


1. 我的产品是不是从来没有过的?


2. 我的产品是否做到了现有产品不能实现的功能?


3. 我的产品是否有更好的客户体验?


4. 我的产品比现有的产品便宜很多吗?




Leadership from a junior’s point of view

Talking with more senior people sometimes inspire us. I talked with a senior people today and mentioned leadership. In my point of view, leader is an expert on ‘Win-Win’ deal. In common words, a leader is good at ‘achieving his goal while enabling team members achieve theirs’. A good leader influences instead of controling his people.  

I met several best leaders during my short working experience, and they do have some common points. The most common point is ‘try to know everyone’, which may express as kind, nice, polite and smile. They’re always welcome for advice as well as demands, regardless it’s a good idea or not, or he is important or not. I thought it was a very imporant start to achieve a ‘Win-Win’ deal though further steps may be more difficult and need more resource. Nevetheless, it reminds us that to know other’s demand can be a good approach for us junior people to build sense of leadership by knowing people’s demand and try to help them achieve. If we can exchange goal and work together, that can be a good practice for second step.

At last, I’d like to quote words from one of my friend, ‘Never try to gain your end while ignoring others’ demand, or you’ll fail.’

Jim Collins的“成功关键”和“领导者” | Jim Collins on the “Keys to Success” and “Leaders”

Jim Collins on the “Keys to Success” and “Leaders”

– From Mitch Barns Blog

Here are some ideas that I have accumulated from various books and talks by Jim Collins, the author of several best-selling business books, including Built to Last, How the Mighty Fall, and Good to Great.
On the keys to success:
• Greatness comes from the values and “DNA” of an organization, NOT from “incentives”.
• Discipline is key to greatness. “Discipline” is not a business idea…business didn’t invent it. But in business, greatness validates the importance of discipline over and over again.
• It is important to have good measures of success.  In some organizations, money is both a primary input and a primary output, and so “ROI” is fairly clear. In other organizations, money is a clear input, but not a clear output. For example, an Art Museum or an Orchestra; or a market research department at one of our clients. In most cases, these types of organizations don’t try hard enough to measure effectiveness. They should try harder. Example: the Cleveland Orchestra. They chose “success measures” like the number of standing ovations, the number of people who attended from outside of the Cleveland metropolitan area, the number of other cities’ orchestras that patterned programming after Cleveland’s, etc. Clever! (and useful)
What does a great business leader look like?
• The best leaders often are often quiet and humble and quick to give credit to others and to “luck” for their success.
• They are people that put the interest of the overall business ahead of their personal interests.
• They are people who manage not to succumb to the seduction of being seen as the leader.
• The best leaders are fanatically driven to produce results.
• The best leaders can get people to do things even when they don’t have the power to MAKE them do it.
• The best leaders rely on high standards more than personal charisma. They are rigorous, but not ruthless.
• The best leaders view themselves as being within a constellation of colleagues rather than atop a hierarchy.
• And perhaps the biggest irony of all … the best leaders ensure they have a successor so that when they leave, the business will continue to succeed without them.
These qualities might not describe the kind of “great leaders” in business that people often hear about, but in my opinion, these nevertheless are the qualities that describe the best leaders.


Jim Collins的“成功关键”和“领导者”

Jim Collins撰有数本经济类畅销书,包括《基业长青》、《强大企业的兴衰》和《从优秀到卓越》。以下是我从Jim Collins著作和谈话中收集下来的关于成功关键的看法:
• 卓越是从组织的“DNA”中找到的价值,不是从“激励”中来的。
• 训练成就卓越。“训练”不是一个商业理念……商业没有创造这个概念。但是在商业中,卓越一再地证明了训练的重要性。
• 对成功的衡量是很重要的。在一些组织中,钱在最初的投入和产出中都是很重要的,也因此“投资回报率”相对清楚。在另一些组织中,钱是很清楚的投入,但产出不是。比如说,一个艺术博物馆或管弦乐队;又比如说我们某一家客户的市场研究部门。大多数时候,很多类型的组织都不曾努力地衡量效率。他们应该更努力。比如:克利夫兰交响乐团。他们以掌声如雷的次数、站在克里夫兰中心区域以外的人数、继克里夫兰交响乐之后在其他城市模仿其设计的乐队数量等等衡量成功,多么聪明!(并且有用)
• 最优秀的领袖往往是安静、谦逊、并且对他人讲信誉,给别人的成功带来“运气”。
• 他们把对商业整体的兴趣放在个人兴趣之前。
• 他们让自己抵御住被他人视作领袖的诱惑。
• 优秀的领袖很狂热地创造结果。
• 优秀的领袖可以让别人做事情,即使他们没有“权力”让他们去做。
• 最优秀的领袖总是依赖高标准而不是个人魅力。他们是严格的但不是无情的。
• 最优秀的领袖将自己视作同事之间的一些杰出的人,而不是凌驾于等级制度之上的人。
• 并且最讽刺的是……最优秀的领袖要保证有一位继承人,在他们离开之后让公司继续成功下去,即使已经没有他们的存在。

4C原则 | The 4C’s

The 4 C’s

– From Mitch Barns Blog

Competence, Chemistry, Character, and Culture.  The 4C’s is one of HR’s principles during interview:

• Competence:  Does this person have the level of intelligence, skills, and experience that we require for the role? When in doubt, keep the bar high.
• Character:   Does this person have the integrity and standards to do what is ‘right’ for our Clients and Nielsen – always?  Are we confident in how he/she will respond under pressure?  There should be no doubt here.
• Chemistry:  This is simple. Is this someone who you would (very) happy to work with on a regular basis?  Is there a good rapport, an easy “connection”? (See below for some more thoughts on “chemistry”.)
• Culture:  This one is about “fit” with our company’s way of operating and our values, including open, simple, integrated.  Further, does this person show energy, optimism, kindness, a team-first attitude, and a bias for action?  Will this person add to, or subtract from, the inspiration of the team?
I like this framework because it is simple, easy to remember and use, and it helps me to be sure to form a well-rounded assessment of a candidate (vs. focusing too much on just one area…for instance, “competence”).
A few more words about “Chemistry”.  I’ve read that at Google, when the company was growing fast in its early years, the two founders would interview almost every candidate to join the company.  After the interview, they would ask themselves whether the candidate passes the “Airport Test”.  They way defined the “Airport Test” was like this:  “If I were at the airport with this person and we just learned that our flight was delayed for 3 hours, how would I feel?  Would I dread being stuck with this person for the next 3 hours, or would I look forward to it?”
What do you think of the 4C’s?  Do you like the idea of the “Airport Test”?





• 竞争力:这个人是否有这个职位所需的智慧、能力和经验?如果其中一点有怀疑的话,就保持高要求。
• 性格:这个人能不能始终如一地在面对客户和公司的时候表现出诚恳、正直的态度?我们对于他在压力下的表现是不是有信心?这一点应该是毫无疑问的。
• 化学:这一点很简单。每天和TA在一起工作,你会不会(很)快乐?你们之间是不是很和谐,很容易相处?(请参考后面说到的关于“化学”的一些想法)
• 文化:这一点说的是是否能够适合公司在运作中的一些价值观,比如Nielsen的“开放、简单和整合”。另外,这个人是否表现出充满活力、乐观、善良和集体第一的态度,并且也会如此行动?TA会增加、还是减弱团队的士气?


启迪 | Inspiration


-From Mitch Barns Blog

When people are asked, “What do you want from a leader?” one of the most common replies is, “Inspiration.” What does it mean? What does it look like?
The quality of being “inspiring” can take many different forms. Some are overt, while others are more subtle. Here are ten varieties of “inspiring”.
1. Confidence. The type of confidence that many find inspiring is “poise,” which I think of as the combination of confidence and calmness.
2. Optimism. Optimism is about seeing a future that is better than today’s reality. At some level, it’s a choice.
3. Energy. One of energy’s many forms is optimism put into motion in a way that energizes others.
4. Courage. Courage is about rising above fear and acting. It is inspiring to see someone to do that. (Note: If no fear, then no need for courage. So fear can be inspiring too.)
5. Clarity. Stating our objectives with sophisticated words might sound impressive, but the result is often abstract and not so inspiring. Inspiring missions are usually concrete, simple, and crystal clear. For example, which is more clear and inspiring? “We want to achieve topline growth that is significantly above the rate of our competitive peer group,” or “We want to double the business in 3 years.”
6. Decisiveness. Enough said.
7. Perseverance. There are almost always more paths to failure than to success. There are almost always more reasons to stop than to continue. When you keep going anyway and somehow find a way through it all, you are inspiring (or crazy!).
8. Integrity. Opportunities abound to take (inappropriate) shortcuts to gain an advantage. Sometimes, the situation is such that “no one will ever know”. When a person resists those temptations and insists on “winning the right way”, that is incredibly inspiring.
9. Sacrifice. When a leader suffers for the cause or puts the group’s interests above his/her own…it stirs something inside of us. It inspires us.
10. Balance. It is exciting to see someone achieve success. It is inspiring to see that same success achieved in the context of a balanced life. It tells us, “Sacrifice is not a chronic condition required for success,” … and that is both reassuring and inspiring.
What do you find inspiring in a leader?





  1. 自信。这种自信是一种平衡,我认为是一种自信和冷静地结合。
  2. 乐观。乐观是相信比现实更美好的未来。有些情况下,这是一种选择。
  3. 活力。活力的其中一种形式是积极地让身边的人充满活力。
  4. 鼓励。鼓励是让人看到害怕并因此行动起来,这也是一种启迪。(注:如果没有害怕,也就不用鼓励行动。所以害怕也是一种启迪。)
  5. 透明。把目标形容得精美绝伦也许听起来令人印象深刻,但结果是通常太抽象也无法启发他人。能够让人受启发的目标往往比较专注、简单、并且和水晶般透明。举个例子,以下哪一样比较清晰让人有启迪?是“我们要让我们的业务大幅地提高,要比起竞争者增长的多得多”还是“我们要在三年里让业务翻番”?
  6. 果断。已经说过很多了。
  7. 坚持。失败的路总是比成功的路多。停下来的理由总是比继续下去的多。当你不顾一切地往前走并且终于有一天找到了走出去的路,你就获得了启迪。(好疯狂!)
  8. 正直。获得优势的机会很多时候出现在(不正当的)捷径当中。有时候,情况是“没有人会知道”。当你抵挡住诱惑并且坚持“赢在正确的路上”的时候,你毫无疑问已经得到了启迪。
  9. 牺牲。当一个领袖疲于把集团利益放在自己之前的时候,有些东西在我们心中被唤醒。它可以给我们启迪。
  10. 平衡。看到一个人成功是让人兴奋的。这让我们想到,能否在生活保持平衡的状态下获得成功。“牺牲自己不是成功必须的长期状态”这就是一种启迪和安慰。


你厌倦了吗? | Are you bored?

Are you bored?

-From Mitch Barns Blog

At a few points throughout my career, I have sought a change when I began to feel “bored” with what I was doing.   Sometimes that was the right thing to do.  But sometimes, maybe not. 
In a recent column in Forbes, Amity Shlaes* writes, “My father gave me the best career advice I ever heard:  ‘There will come a moment when you are bored … and you will want to try something new.  But that boredom is the signal you’ve achieved mastery.  You’ll be quitting at the moment when it’s most costly to do so.  Only a mastered trade can be properly monetized.’ ”
Next time you are “bored” with your role, ask yourself whether it would be better to seek a change to a new role, or whether it is a signal that you are ready to more fully capitalize on what you know, to increase your impact, and/or to drive change and improvement right where you are.  Either way, your boredom should quickly disappear. 
Are you bored?



 -摘自Mitch Barns博客


在近期的Forbes栏目中,Amity Shlaes他写到:“我父亲给了我一个我至今觉得最好的职业意见,那就是‘有一天你会发现你厌倦了,然后你要去找一些新东西。但厌倦是你精通的信号。这时候退出意味着要付出最大的代价。只有娴熟的手艺才能真正地变成财富。’”

