审视自己的三种方式 | Three ways for self-reviewing



  1. 公司里直系或非直系的前辈:直系上属了解员工在工作中表现出来的优势和劣势,并清晰地提出自己的期望,这是提高能力最直接最有效的建议。非直系前辈可以提供更多公司内部资源的提示,和本人性格改善的建议。
  2. 猎头和业内其他公司:与猎头和其他公司联系并不意味着要放弃现在的公司。相反,通过与其他公司的比较,可以更多了解现在所在的公司的特点和优势,不要造成双方的遗憾。同时,也能对自己的竞争力有个客观的了解,避免井底之蛙的不安。而猎头可以告之现在和未来人才资源的短缺所在,为提升个人竞争力做准备。
  3. 非业内的朋友和前辈:除了纵向的比较,横向拓展也很有帮助。跨行业,跨职业的交流往往能带来新的想法,并不是放弃现在的职业,而是一种延伸,无论是为了拓展就业面还是建立自己的事业,都是一种好选择。

Three ways for self-reviewing

After period of work, it sometimes happens that we become arrogant or unconfident, which are both biased self-evaluation. Both will bring uncertain to us and result in ineffective utility of value. To fix the issue, three kinds of people we should go to talk with:

  1. Direct superior or indirect senior in company: Direct superior know about our advantage and short-comings clearly and will express expectation which is most relevant on work. Indirect senior will indicate more about resource within company and give advice on character.
  2. Head-hunter and other companies: Talking with head-hunter and other companies doesn’t mean you are going to leave the company now. On the opposite, by comparing with other companies, we can get clear picture that what’s the distinguishing feature of the company now and thus reminding us where we can learn more within the company. Meanwhile, it’s a real check of competitiveness (if you’re confusedwhere you’re to the benchmark). Head-hunter will tell you what kind of human resource the market is hungry for now and in the near future.
  3. Friends senior in other industries: Besides vertical compare, horizontal expansion is also helpful. Sharing across industry or function usually bring us new ideas. Instead of giving up the career now and start a new one, it’s a kind of expansion either for more working opportunities or own business in the future.

